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Girl Aloud

the most random blog out there

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Its Been a While

Wow, i havent seen this blog in a long time. With homework and school i've been busy. Tomorrow i have school and i dont want too go. There is nothing wrong with my classes its just school, that makes me not want to go. I wake every morning and i have to make up my mind whether or not too go to school. I just cant wait until i graduate in 2 years. I'm gonna be moving pretty soon. I dont want too go but it too a better home. I've always wonder what would happen if i could be in my favorite anime show. I cant pick a show if i tryed so i just write my stories and hope that i can release all of my frustration in the story. I am working on alot of stories right now. One is Inner Universe and its the biggest one i'm working on. I have the big habit of making my stories intertwin.
Right now i'm listening too Ayumi Hamasaki. I am one of her biggest fans. I'm not too big on her music but i love her fasion sence


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